On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, Black History Resolutions/Proclamations will be presented by Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors (9 a.m.), City of Santa Maria (5:30 p.m.) and the City of Lompoc (6:30 p.m.). Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP will also hold our regular General Membership meeting on 2/1/22 at 6 p.m., featuring Rev. Darrell Tullis (Negro National Anthem) and Captain Robert Monroe (Hidden Figures presentation).
Our 2022 theme is Black Joy & Legacy Through Family Health & Safety.
Individuals to be recognized at the Board of Supervisor (9 a.m.) for their distinguished careers and trailblazing work as leading health care researchers, practitioners, doctors, and students:
- Dr. Horace McMillan
- Dr. Robert Hammond, M.D. retired*
- Dr. Albert Hawkins, M.D.*
- Dr. Richard Beswick, vice president of research and chief research officer
- Mrs. Charletha Anderson, RN, retired*
- Caroline Felton, LVN, retired*
- Sonia Brown, LVN, retired*
- Dr. Charlotte Gullap -Moore, CEO of Moore on Health, Adult Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Professor, Healthcare Policy Advocate, and Organic Gardening Ambassador
- Nina Shelton Clinical Research Assistant
- Jonathan Thompson II, Marriage & Family Therapist Associate, AMFT, APCC
- Danah Williams, Marriage & Family Therapist, MA, LMFT
- Solomon Ndungu, Marriage & Family Therapist, MA, LMFT
- Dr. Brian Olowude, Ph.D., Director, Psychologist
- Dr. Merideth Merchant, Assitant Director, Mental Health Initiatives and Inclusion, Psychologist
- Dr. Mario J. Barfield, Psy.D., Psychologist
- Dr. Dominique A. Broussard, Ph.D, Psychologist
- Dr. Janel Davis, Ph.D., Psychologist
- Marsha Wylie, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Clinical Coordinator
- Healing Center at UCSB
- COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA, Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 9:00 a.m.,
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will recognize Black History Month with a resolution (agenda item A-21) to be presented followed by a presentation honoring the work of local trailblazing Black and Black-identifying health care providers, practitioners, and researchers past and present. Below are directions about how any member of the public can watch the meeting live. There are also directions for how any member of the public can sign up to provide comment on this item. The item will be read very shortly after the start of the meeting, around 9:15am. Receiving this resolution is Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt of the Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP; Wendy-Sims Moten, Executive Director of First 5 Santa Barbara County and Santa Barbara Unified School District Trustee; and Jordan Killebrew community organizer and co-founder of Juneteenth Santa Barbara.
Here is how you and loved ones can watch the meeting from the comfort of your home:
1. Televised in English and Spanish (SAP channel via Comcast and Cox) on local cable channel 20;
2. Online at: <http://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/csbtv/livestream.sbc>; and
3. YouTube at: <https://www.youtube.com/user/CSBTV20>
If you wish to provide public comment or to speak to the Supervisors about this item, the following methods are available:
- Attend the Meeting by Zoom Webinar – Individuals wishing to provide public comment during the Board meeting can do so via Zoom webinar by clicking the below link to register in advance.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing important information about joining
the webinar – see further directions below. This agenda item is A-21 A Resolution proclaiming the month of February 2022 as Black History Month in Santa Barbara County.
- Email the Board of Supervisors – Submit your comment via email prior to 5:00 PM on
Mon., Jan 31 at <mailto:sbcob@countyofsb.org>. Your comment will be distributed to the Board and posted online.
- Attend the Meeting In-Person – Individuals are allowed to attend and provide comments at the
Board meetings in-person. Please note: If you attend the Board meeting in-person, you will be required
to wear a face covering, mask, or face shield with drape at all times regardless of vaccination status,
in compliance with the current Health Officer Order. The meeting will be held at the County Administration Building at 105 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101 on the 4th Floor. Remote in-person comment is from the Santa Maria Hearing Room at the Centeno Betteravia Government Administration Building at 511 Lakeside Pkwy, Santa Maria, CA 93455.
- CITY OF SANTA MARIA, IN PERSON OR ZOOM, Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt, will be accepting
Dr. Robert Hammond, Dr. Albert Hawkins, and Mrs. Charletha Anderson, live and/or work in the City.
ZOOM LINK, 2/1/22, 5:30 P.M. The following is the link from the agenda for others who may want to view or you would like to comment when the item is presented. You may share this link. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UXVJfB-KSzeniJGp1NsMHQ
- CITY OF LOMPOC, IN PERSON OR CALL IN, (2/1/22, 6:30 P.M.), Ms. Connie Alexander & Ms. Audrey Gamble with be accepting the Proclamation.
The link to watch the meeting online live, City Council Meeting Videos | Lompoc, CA (cityoflompoc.com) and select the view meeting live, and in Lompoc you can tune in to TV Comcast Channel 23 or KPEG 100.9 on the radio. There is a CALL In Number to make comments that you will need to look up (Please don’t ask me for it. I don’t have time).
For those planning to attend for the Black History Month Proclamation, please be at city hall by 6:30 pm (meeting starts at 6:30 and doors open at 6:15.) The proclamations are delivered at the very beginning of the meeting after the pledge. I will invite those in attendance to accept the proclamation to join me at the podium. If there is someone in particular who will would like to speak to the public after accepting the proclamation, please send me the name ahead of time as possible so I can put it in my notes to introduce them.
- Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP, General Membership meeting, 2/1/22, 6 p.m., featuring Rev. Darrell Tullis (Negro National Anthem) and Captain Robert Monroe (Hidden Figures presentation). Please rsvp to Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt, at lyonspruitt@msn.com for link.
- Our PRESS RELEASE https://docs.google.com/document/d/10dzgSkyLqk0A372nGXXNRKRmnlx3Eq2ohRBYCHHdbFY/edit?usp=sharing and other events happening throughout the County.
- Saturday, February 19, 3 p.m., Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP & Santa Maria Public Library presents their 2nd annual Black History program at Santa Maria Public Library, outside on Lavagnino Plaza. Stay tuned for Flyer and more info.