Headed Towards the 2018 Mid-term Election

Greetings Freedom Fighters,

I hope you are FIRED up and ready to GO as we begin the FINAL stretch of the Mid-term Election.

California State- Hawaii NAACP endorsement of the various Propositions and information on why the NAACP did not endorse Proposition 10 (Rent Control Proposition). Please note with regards to all State Initiatives and Propositions, they are reviewed and carefully studied by CA State NAACP Executive Committee and all CA branches fall under the auspices of CA State NAACP and follow their lead.
–>  CA NAACP Endorsements and Info on Prop 10 position

The League of Women Voter’s Easy to understand Guide to assist you with understanding the various Propositions.  –> Easy Voter Guide-English-Nov2018     –> Guía Fácil para el votante-Español-Nov2018

Santa Barbara County Democratic Central Committee Slate/Voter Guide.   **Please note our branch is a nonprofit tax-exempted organization as defined by the IRS and our National Office has elected to not allow Branches to endorse candidates, only Propositions/Initiatives, thus we did not and are not endorsing any of the candidates listed.   This information is being given to you to assist you as you make your decision on what candidate to support/oppose.

That said, on a local level and after careful review our General Membership voted to endorse Measure Y, Allan Hancock College bond initiative that will fund construction of a Fine Arts Complex and other improvements at both the Santa Maria and Lompoc campus and some improvements in Solvang.

I hope you find all of this information useful.

Heading into the final week before the Mid-term Election (Monday, November 6th), we are walking and phone banking DAILY (Monday through Friday beginning at 5 p.m., Saturdays beginning at 9 a.m. and Sundays beginning at 1 p.m.).   Please let me know if you can walk or phone bank an hour, two hours, or more.   All help is appreciated.

Lastly, we encourage you to VOTE on or before November 6th and COMMIT to getting FIVE friends or family members to the polls to VOTE.  Going forward together, we can and will make a difference.  

Yours In the Fight,
Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt