News Update & NAACP Meeting- August 6, 2019

Join us on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., at Valley of the Flowers United Church of Christ, 3346 Constellation Road, Lompoc, where we will show President/CEO Derrick Johnson’s address to delegates and do sign ups for precinct walking and phone banking leading up to the March Primary Election.


Presidential Candidates Forum | Watch On Demand 
Convention Highlights Day 4 | Watch On YouTube
110th NAACP Convention Recap | Watch on YouTube


The New York Times: At N.A.A.C.P. Forum, 2020 Democrats Say Trump Harms Black Communities
One by one, at the national convention of the N.A.A.C.P.—the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization—the Democratic candidates chose not to discuss Mr. Mueller’s testimony in detail and instead outlined their respective plans to uplift black people.

CNN: In pictures: NAACP hosts presidential forum in Detroit
The NAACP hosted a presidential forum Wednesday, July 24, during its convention in Detroit, which is also the site of the upcoming CNN debates. The forum was hosted by CNN political analyst April Ryan and featured presidential candidates Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julián Castro, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Bill Weld.

NBC: 2020 candidates say Mueller’s already made the case for impeachment
As former special counsel Robert Mueller testified in the House about his report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, Democratic presidential candidates used his report Wednesday to call for impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

Essence: NAACP Unanimously Pass Vote Calling For Impeachment Of Donald Trump
The NAACP is coming in hard for President Donald Trump, with delegates to the civil rights organization’s annual convention voting unanimously on the decision to call on the House to start impeachment proceedings against the leader of the nation.

The Detroit News: NAACP convention goers say they are energized from their Detroit experience
As the NAACP wrapped up its 110th annual convention on Wednesday, members and leaders said the event energized them to go back to their local chapters and continue civil rights work in their communities.

Vox: At NAACP convention, 2020 Democrats criticize Trump’s record on race
Wednesday marked the end of the NAACP’s annual convention, a gathering of more than 10,000 members of the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization. This year, the group focused heavilyon two things: calling attention to the needs of black voters in 2020 and opposing the Trump presidency.

Detroit Free Press: Presidential candidates send strong message to black voters at NAACP convention
As 10 presidential candidates took to the stage at the annual NAACP convention in Detroit on Wednesday, a different version of the organization’s mantra — “When we fight, we win” — seemed especially relevant.

The Root: NAACP Puts in on the House: Impeach Donald Trump!
Delegates to the NAACP voted unanimously Tuesday to have the nation’s oldest civil rights organization press the U.S. House of Representatives to start impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.