Tenants Together

We know these are stressful and trying times. Our staff and member organizations are doing all we can to step up and provide timely information and resources, while strategizing and visioning for a present and a future where our community needs for health and safety are met.

Click here for a resource guide for tenants

This guide will be updated regularly as we become aware of additional community needs and available resources. Let us know if there is important information missing you can share.

As ever, where our needs are not being met we believe that organizing is the key to changing our reality for the better. We are continuing to demand the state step up and Governor Newsom declare an eviction moratorium statewide. We have updated the letter action to include a demand for rent relief and foreclosure prevention, as tenants will be at risk for eviction later without rental assistance, suspension of utility shut-offs, and ending all homeless encampment sweeps

Click here to send a letter to the Governor for rent relief and to stop ALL evictions

Over 2000 letters have been sent since last week! Send one now!

While we demand the state take action, tenants and advocates have been organizing locally to pass eviction moratoriums. Nearly a dozen cities have passed protections including San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and more. We applaud these efforts and local leadership and hope this momentum will pressure the state to take action.

Click here to see our local moratoriums tracker

Sacramento Tenants Union
Sacramento Tenants Union

While difficult times, we believe in the power of community to care for each other in this time of crisis. Thank you for all you do to care for yourself, your family, your neighbors, and organize for change!