Femme Forum, Answering the Call – a conversation with women in the forefront of the coronavirus crisis.

Join us for Femme Forum, Answering the Call – a conversation with women in the forefront of the coronavirus crisis. In each call we’ll bring you an engaging local leader who shares information, tips, strategies, and ways to continue community engagement. We are kicking off our first call with Dr. Joye M Carter, the first Black Chief Medical Examiner appointed in the history of this nation, and the Forensic Pathologist in the Sheriff/Coroner Division in San Luis Obispo County, California.Why Dr. Carter? Because she is highly knowledgeable and values separating fact from myth. Her lifelong journey in medicine is one we can all learn from, and her personal mission is to promote a fact-based approach. Besides – she’s a great speaker and loves engaging with the community!

We look forward to “seeing” you on Wednesday, April 22 from 5pm – 5:30pm. Scroll down for the zoom meeting information.
About Dr. Carter:

Dr. Joye M Carter, the first Black Chief Medical Examiner appointed in the history of this nation, is the full time forensic pathologist in the Sheriff/Coroner Division in San Luis Obispo County, California.Dr. Carter was the first Black female to serve as the Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner department and as a Chief physician of the USAF in the field of Forensic Pathology. Dr. Carter was the first graduate of Howard University College of Medicine to become board certified in Anatomical, Clinical and Forensic pathology throughout her career.She is an author, publisher and professional speaker. She is excited to be involved with the local community of San Luis Obispo in search of health and wellness. She writes about the spiritual side of death investigation and enjoys providing helpful information to help others cope with loss and grief.Dr. Carter has been featured in Ebony Magazine, AMA Medical Journal, Black Enterprise and Der Spiegel to name a few. Dr. Carter was recently featured in the HBO documentary “Say Her Name, the Sandra Bland Story” as the consulting Forensic Pathologist.She has always been an advocate for fairness in the criminal justice system and often has had to assume the role of single-handedly combating racism and gender bias while maintaining expertise and neutrality in death investigation systems. One of her many mantras has been “Never Give Up” and she continues to do just that!
Zoom Meeting Information:Women’s March SLO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Femme Forum, Answering the Call with Dr. Joye M Carter
Time: Apr 22, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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