As we come together, we want to hear from you!
Please share your stories of wisdom, encouragement and support, or challenges you may be facing, and we may use them during the event on YouTube. Sign up here: http://naacp.org/juneteenth/

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery (June 19, 1865).

There are Virtual Events in Santa Barbara and SLO:
SLO Website: naacpslocty.org

SB Juneteenth Committee is sponsored by Santa Barbara Foundation:
Website: SBFoundation.org– Digital Diaspora: A Santa Barbara Celebration of Black Histories and Future

1) Juneteenth: Briscoe Center for American History- cah.utexas.edu
2) “What Is Juneteenth”- pbs.org
3) juneteenth.com (Al Edwards), general info
4) National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, founded by Rev. Ronald Meyers, committed to making it a Federal Holiday – nationaljuneteenth.com
5) “Should Blacks Collect Racist Memorabilia?” Henry Louis Gates, Jr.- pbs.org
6) African Americans: Many Rivers To Cross 100 Amazing Facts, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. – pbs.org
7) 12 Things You Might Not Know About Juneteenth, Stacy Conradt- mentalfloss.com
8) An Antiracist Reading List- Chicago Public Library
9) Juneteenth: Chicago Public Library- chipublib.org