Latest Info on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution from Congressman Salud Carbajal

Due to improving COVID-19 case numbers and ICU capacity, Governor Newsom ended the Regional Stay-at-Home Order on January 26th, 2021. While we seem to have turned a corner in our fight against COVID-19, it is imperative we continue to take precautions like mask wearing and social distancing, and get the vaccine as soon as you’re eligible.

Our communities still need critical assistance to make it through this pandemic. President Biden’s American Rescue Plan is the aid we need to support our communities, including accelerating the vaccine distribution, supporting the reopening of schools and businesses, and providing another round of direct payments.

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I understand that many residents are understandably concerned and confused by the ongoing vaccine distribution process. On January 26, California State Government released a new tier system based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which can be found here.

At this time, California has opened vaccine availability to include those 65 and older and healthcare workers. However, due to vaccine shortages and current distribution issues, Central Coast counties continue to prioritize health care workers and individuals aged 75 and older. Please keep in mind that vaccine distribution varies by county.

Below is some information on current vaccine distribution for our communities


Make an appointments here, where you can also find more information about SLO County vaccine distribution.

Sign up to be notified of new appointments and eligibility changes here. Appointments for the following week will be added every Thursday. However, the County recommends checking every weekday at 9am for new slots.

Once SLO County finishes vaccinating those 75 and older, then adults 65 and older and some frontline workers, will become eligible.


Find detailed information regarding Santa Barbara County’s vaccine distribution and make an appointment here.

If there are no appointments available or you are not eligible yet, you can sign up for updates here. If you are age 65-74, please be patient. You will be eligible to be vaccinated in the next few weeks and will receive information from your local health care provider at that time.


Ventura County residents can find the most up-to-date information or make an appointment here. If there are no appointments available or you are not eligible to receive your vaccine at this time, you can sign up to receive updates when appointments are available here.


We are now a month into the 117th Congress and I want to update you on important legislation I have introduced so far.

California Clean Coast Act – On the 52nd anniversary of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, I reintroduced the California Clean Coast Act to ban oil drilling off the Coast of California and protect our coastal economies. Read more here.

Califronia Land Preservation Act – I introduced the California Land Protection Act to halt new oil and gas leasing on federal lands without thorough environmental reviews.

Honoring Frontline Essential Workers – Essential frontline workers have been at the center of the COVID-19 pandemic by keeping America running, often at great personal risk. On February 2nd, I introduced a resolution to recognize their hard work and makes a recommitment to meet their safety needs. Read more about the resolution here.

Protect Patriot Parents Act – On January 28th, I reintroduced my bill to prevent the parents of servicemembers from being deported. Learn more about the legislation and Juana’s story here.

I know this continues to be a very difficult time for our community. I thank you all for taking the necessary precautions to keep yourself, family, and neighbors safe. We will get through this together.

If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office at the numbers below.

Congressman Salud Carbajal