NAACP News Update

Don Lemon: NAACP Sues Trump, Giuliani Over Deadly Capitol Riot Under KKK Statute
NAACP President Johnson talks with CNN”s Don Lemon about the current lawsuit against Trump for inciting the Jan 6th terrorist attack on the Capitol.

MSNBC: NAACP President and CEO on their new lawsuit against Donald Trump
Derrick Johnson, the President and CEO of the NAACP, spoke with NBC’s Joshua Johnson about the lawsuit his organization filed this week, along with Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson, against former President Donald Trump. The lawsuit alleges Trump conspired with hate groups like the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers, to prevent Congress from verifying the Electoral College count. The basis of the suit is a post-Civil War law from 1871, known as the Ku Klux Klan Act, which was passed to prevent KKK violence and intimidation against members of Congress who were working to pass Reconstruction-era reforms.

Good Morning America: Potential New Evidence in Malcom X Murder
Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP, told “GMA” that “far too many African Americans who have stood up, who voice equality and justice in this country, have found themselves being persecuted, prosecuted or, in the case of Malcolm X, assassinated.”

NASDAQ: NAACP President #BehindTheBell
Ahead of the closing bell, NAACP President Johnson speaks with NASDAQ about Black History Month as an opportunity to show how the Black community makes history all year long.

The Hill: NAACP president accuses Trump of having operated under ‘white supremacist doctrine’
“We could not stand by and not pursue a course of action to hold those accountable for their treasonous acts,” Johnson told The Guardian in an interview, adding that Trump’s actions revolved around a “white supremacist doctrine that was a derived from days of the Confederacy.”

The Guardian: We’re suing to hold Trump accountable for ‘treasonous acts’, NAACP chief says
Civil rights group the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has argued that its suing of Donald Trump using the Ku Klux Klan Act – a historic law enacted to combat white supremacy – is in order to hold the former president accountable to Black voters that his Republican administration sought to invalidate.

NAACP: NAACP Hosted COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall Conversation
On Thursday, February 25, at 7:30 pm ET, the NAACP hosted a Virtual Town Hall on COVID Vaccines in partnership with the Ad Council. The town hall included updates on the spread of the virus, vaccine options, and general information for those that have questions. Watch here.

CSR Wire: Bacardi and The NAACP Are Backing the B.A.R. with Grants to Black-Owned Businesses in the Industry
According to Nielsen, the Black community is significantly underrepresented in the ownership portion of the United States’ On-premise retail industry (bars and restaurants) at only seven (7) percent. Bacardi U.S.A. and the NAACP want to change that.

Cheddar: Boston Celtics Team Up With Vistaprint, NAACP To Launch Power Forward Grants For New England’s Black-Owned Small Businesses
Vistaprint and the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation announced today a combined commitment of $1 million and the launch of the Power Forward Small Business Grant in partnership with the NAACP. The new grant program aims to create a lasting impact through the economic empowerment of Black-owned small businesses across New England with grants of $25,000 to be awarded on a rolling basis.

Fox 26: 1-year anniversary since the death of Ahmaud Arbery
Bishop James Dixon/President of the Houston NAACP and Eugene Howard/President of the Brazoria County NAACP join the Factor Uncensored to discuss the death of Ahmaud Arbery.

WSOC: Gov. Cooper, NC prison officials agree to release 3,500 inmates
North Carolina civil rights groups struck a deal on Thursday with Gov. Roy Cooper’s administration to allow for the early release of 3,500 inmates in state custody over the next six months. “What’s happening in North Carolina prisons is the convergence of two pandemics both fueled by racism and classism – COVID 19 and an unjust criminal legal system,” said a statement from Anthony Spearman, president of the NC NAACP.

WRIC: NAACP applauds joint resolution declaring racism as public health crisis in Virginia
The Virginia State Conference NAACP released a statement Wednesday applauding the passage of a joint resolution declaring racism as a public health crisis. In a virtual press conference, Robert Barnette, the president of both the Virginia State Conference NAACP and the Hanover County NAACP, called on legislators to address police accountability and racial bias in law enforcement.